CMP could begin Feb. 2009
The summary of the Master Developer Agreement has a timeline for the various phases. It shows that Land Capital plans to start moving dirt on…
Free our CMP
I read the daily newspaper’s article on yesterday’s Community Maritime Park Associates Board meeting. It’s titled “Maritime Park plan in flux.” Folks, we have to…
CMP Consultant’s Memo
M E M O R A N D U M TO: CMPA Board of Directors FROM: Owen M. Beitsch, PhD, AICP, CRE DATE: November 11,…
Status of CMP Contract
Eleven weeks ago, the Community Maritime Park Associates Board of Trustees approved Land Capital Group as the master developer for the park. The goal was…
Council oversteps
The Pensacola City Council overstepped its authority by requiring the CMPA Board to have public input at all its meetings. The Community Maritime Park Associates…
Letter to CMPA
Dear Esteemed Board Members: The Community Maritime Park Referendum Voted YES for approval by the People of Pensacola on September 5 2006, clearly stated: For…
Trinity proposal for CMP strong, but unethical?
The Trinity Capital’s proposal for the Community Maritime Park is strong. They commit to finding private financing for anything in the two phases of the…
CMPA meets today
It is 702 days since Pensacola voters passed the Community Maritime Park referendum. Or 1 year, 11 months, 2 days * 60,652,800 seconds * 1,010,880…
Baptist move increases need for CMP
Baptist Hospital moving out of the west side of Pensacola could have a dire impact on the economy on that part of the city. All…
CMPA master developer proposals online
Ed Spears has done a good job of getting the proposals online. Click CMP RFP
CMP Master Developer Proposals
We are studying the proposals by Land Capital and Trinity. Both are impressive,but, as expected, Land Capital’s is more responsive to what I think the…
CMP can be built
We do not have to wait for Florida Supreme Court. Read: Park Financing Back On Track