Foley sent explicit text messages from Pensacola

This is just further proof that Pensacola is the nexus of the universe. Nearly every national news story has some link to this area. These…

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GOP leaders involved in Foley cover-up?

From NY TIMES: G.O.P. Aides Knew in Late 05 of E-Mail By CARL HULSE and RAYMOND HERNANDEZ   WASHINGTON, Sept. 30  Top House Republicans knew…

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Joe Roberts Interview

IN Hot Seat: Joe Roberts, Sept. 29 Show

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Teen freaked out by email from Congressman

From ABCNEW.COM: Teenager who once served as a congressional page is upset about the appropriateness of an e-mail exchange with a South Florida Congressman Mark…

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Congressman wants to gut Payday amendment

Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY), is trying to gut the amendment to the military bill that would limit the interest rates military personnel can be charged…

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Congress Approval rating at all time low

According to the latest CBS News/NY Times poll, only 25% of the public approve of the current GOP-led Congress. These are the lowest numbers since…

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13 Most Corrupt Members of Congress.

The organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (Crew) has issued a report on who it considers the most corrupt members of Congress. It’s…

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