As predicted: containment box has problem

BP always, always, always gives the best case scenario, over promises, under delivers and down plays damages and risks. This is according to attorney Brent…

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Stadium adds income to CMP

All profits from the Pensacola Pelicans will go to the operations and maintenance of the Community Maritime Park. There is no such agreement anywhere in…

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Scarborough thinks Crist can win as I

On Morning Joe today, Joe Scarborough said that Florida is a state where an Independent can win a statewide race if he has the money…

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Gaetz running hard

Caught up with Matt Gaetz, candidate for House District 4, during lunch today. The 27-year-old attorney has a Republican primary in four weeks, courtesy of…

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Liberty Counsel to sue Santa Rosa schools

Liberty Counsel, a conservative Christian group that has offices in Florida, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., has told the Daily News that it plans to sue…

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Conservative blog trends

Here are the overnight trends for the conservative blogs according to Issue Trends 1. Medicare: + 265.52 % 2. Social Security: + 165.91 %…

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DeLay lays out conservative agenda

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay defines for us the Conservative Agenda (on Red State Blog ). We conservatives believe in a society built on…

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