CRA population trends

Consultant, Looney, Ricks & Kiss, assessed population trends as part of their work on the CRA 2010 plan, which will be presented to the Pensacola…

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Fight to keep downtown Post Office

Yesterday, American Postal Workers Union members stood outside the Downtown U.S. Postal Service Office on Palafox Place with a petition board to save the 30-plus-year-old…

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Should City borrow money for interest?

The Pensacola City Council will decide this week whether its bond issue for the Community Maritime Park should include $4.9 million to pay interest on…

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Downtown CRA values are down, too

Downtown CRA valuations are down 4.6 percent. Property Appraiser Chris Jones explained that the DIB decline is greater because it includes tangible property. CRA only…

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Hawkshaw East dies

The Pensacola City Council has been notified that the developers of Hawkshaw East will not close on their purchase of the city property located adjacent…

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Council movement on CMP

I am hearing that Councilmen Mike DeSorbo and Jewel Cannada-Wynn are really pushing for the city staff to come up with a plan for alternative…

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Moby misses the mark

PNJ columnist Mark “Moby” O’Brien in his column today (Fire fee fallout: Property tax cut would hurt waterfront plans) misses the mark. I’m not sure…

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Save Our City favor

Save Our City may have a done the Community Maritime Park a big favor by forcing a referendum on the park proposal last year. A…

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Reality check needed

The daily newspaper’s article on the impact of property tax reforms on the Community Maritime Park- ominously titled “Park money at risk” – has resurrected…

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CRA does pay its expenses

During the Community Maritime Park debate, Stop Our City supporters argued that the rest of the city had to pay for services in the CRA…

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Aragon East in the Raw

Here are the raw scores on the Aragon East proposals: Townsend Downtown Pensacola Hotel 47 Esplanade 64 Hawkshaw Eastside 85 Technology Bay 78 Technology Bay…

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