More notes on Valentino meeting

The meeting with Gene Valentino could have been contentious, but it wasn’t. The meeting with the Commissioner and County Administrator Bob McLaughlin had been scheduled…

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Valentino shares his plan (updated)

Updated 11:42 am, May 15 Commissioner Gene Valentino gave the IN a peek into his black box to see his economic development plan. He will…

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Wood: Hall called about PEDC

Just got off the phone with Charles Wood, the senior vice president for economic development for the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. On April…

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Did Hall and Valentino violate Sunshine Laws?

Did Councilman Sam Hall and Commissioner Gene Valentino violate Florida Sunshine Laws? Hall and Valentino both serve on the Pensacola-Escambia Economic Development Commission (PEDC). Valentino…

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Economic Development Update

Here is Charles Wood’s Economic Development Update he released on Friday. Wood is the senior vp for Economic Development for the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber…

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Buzz: Economic Development

Last Week’s IN cover story, Reindeer Games, has spurred some movement on that front. We are hearing the BOCC chairman Marie Young will move discussion…

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Economic Update

Received this email newsletter from Charles Wood of the Pensacola Chamber: This email is the result of a renewed effort to push information out about…

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Lack of plan hurts hockey

Escambia County Commission has no economic plan which hurts the county when it is faced with proposals like professional hockey leasing the Civic Center. Does…

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BOCC heads towards another ED committee

The Escambia County Commission was shorthanded today for its Committee of the Whole meeting. Both Grover Robinson and Kevin White were out of town. The…

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Round 2: Economic Development Polka

Two weeks ago, Mort O’Sullivan and the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce delivered to the Escambia County Commission and the Pensacola City Council their…

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Who should lead economic development?

Team Santa Rosa paid for Comm. Gordon Goodin to attend the Farnborough International Airshow. The Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce used the economic development…

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Palm Beach County to spend $87 million to attract business

The Sun-Sentinel reports this morning that the Palm Beach County commission approved an $87 million proposal to help bring German research giant Max Planck to…

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