Inweekly prepares Public Records lawsuit against City Attorney

Apparently City Attorney Lysia Bowling’s public record training didn’t take. Since March 29, Inweekly has attempted to get public records concerning the city’s random drug…

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Pensacola Chief Human Resources Officer violated PFD chain of command and collective bargaining pact

Public records recently released by the City of Pensacola show that its Chief Human Resources Officer Ed Sisson violated the grievance process established by the…

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Pensacola city officials handled Appeal changes differently from other revisions, according to public records

Inweekly has investigated the circumstances surrounding the revisions to the City of Pensacola’s HR manual that eliminated the independent personnel board and modified the appeal…

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Pensacola black community outraged over treatment of fire chief and deputy chief

A local civil rights leader told Inweekly in a phone interview Sunday morning that the black community is outraged over Pensacola City Hall placing Fire…

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Pensacola city officials break commitment made to Florida Legislature

City Administrator Eric Olson and his Chief Human Resources Officer Ed Sisson recently abolished the Personnel Board that was created to handle employees’ appeals of…

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City officials altered appeal process after Pensacola fire chief and deputy chief placed on administrative leave

An preliminary analysis of the City of Pensacola Human Resources Policy Manual on the city’s website has revealed that the Chapter F – Administrative Appeals…

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Exclusive: Pensacola deputy fire chief speaks out

Yesterday, Pensacola Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover, a 27-year veteran of the Pensacola Fire Department, was placed on administrative leave without any explanation. Glover said…

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