Disagree with MOB

I have to disagree with daily columnist and court room diarist, Mark O’Brien, on his last column: Economics 101: Florida offers some of the cheapest…

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Santa Rosa tax scheme

Santa Rosa County has next week – March 27 – a vote to extend the half-cent sales tax for schools. The tax expires next Oct….

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Blog view 3/16/07

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House leaders tell school district to raise taxes…

While Gov. Crist and Republican lawmakers are beating their chests proclaiming property taxes should be cut, House Republican leaders are telling school districts to raise…

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Merit pay plan may be reversed

In the Miami Herald: In a surprising reversal, the Republican-controlled Legislature is moving quickly to scrap a controversial merit pay system for teachers that lawmakers…

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More constitutional amendments from GOP

Sen. Don Gaetz and his Pre K-12 education committee have approved a bill that would have the voters vote on yet another constitutional amendment. This…

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Charter schools score no better than public schools

The academic results of charter schools don’t differ much from those of traditional public schools, says a report issued Tuesday by the Florida Department of…

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Why make all high school seniors suffer

The Escambia County School Board will consider whether or not high seniors should be allowed to graduate from their current high schools next year –…

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Graduation and drop out rates up

Florida Department of Education has released its report on the graduation and drop out rates for 2005-06. Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa are better than…

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Mom speaks out on Woodham plan

Dear Rick,I just read your outtake on the reason for poor leadership. You’ve made excellent points. I didn’t like the closure of Woodham, but not…

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GBHS girls soccer gone haywire

From IN Buzz:SOCCER TURMOIL Area high school soccer coaches are scratching their heads over what’s going on inside the winning Gulf Breeze High School girls’…

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Sorry, Schools must consolidate

On Nov. 21, the Escambia County School Board is scheduled to vote on a plan that will close Woodham High School and Brownsville, Brown Barge…

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