County releases study – finally

After our attorney, John Asmar, informed the county of its obligation to release public documents, we received finally the Nov. 16, 2006 report on the…

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Blog view 4/5/07

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Something’s Burning

Our cover story for April 5 (Burning Down The House) reveals the troubles of the Escambia County volunteer fire departments – nearly 3 out of…

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Brownsville case for Annexation

If Brownsville was inside the city limits of Pensacola, would it have been allowed to deteriorate to level it was before Operation Brownsville? No, the…

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Chief Perkins responds to Volunteer Prez

Escambia Co. Fire Chief Ken Perkins has responded to the letter from Steve McNair, president of the Esc. Co. Volunteer Firefighters Association ( See McNair…

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Tax & Spend County wants to raise taxes for fire

The PNJ reports Escambia County was to form advisory committees that will review and ultimately support raising the fees (taxes) paid for fire protection. (…

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