Thomas strongarms church

Without talking with Rev. May, Superintendent Malcolm Thomas goes on television and says that he has made a deal to sell Brownsville Middle School. He…

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Support mounts for sale

From Reid Rushing to Malcolm Thomas: Mr. Thomas, I wanted to let you know as a business owner and resident of Escambia County, I support…

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Help Restore Brownsville

By Lumon May Few people know that my father, Theophalis May, was a philosopher in addition to restoring some of Pensacola’s most precious historical buildings….

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Malcolm Thomas blocks Brownsville deal

Brownsville Middle School has sat vacant for three years. One wing has been damaged by fire. The School District has let one its contractors use…

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Thomas podcast on Obama speech

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas has created a podcast explaining why Escambia County students won’t see President Obama’s speech today. For the record, Ronald Reagan, George Bush…

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Thomas solves mystery meat issue

Press Release from Escambia County Public School District: The District’s Food Services Department will unveil new menu items to be tested over the next three…

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Jim Paul deserves some FCAT credit

Former Superintendent Jim Paul deserves some credit for the increase FCAT writing scores over the past seven years….but don’t expect Malcolm Thomas to mention it…

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Analysis of School Admin. cuts

I have reviewed the staff cuts that Superintendent Malcolm Thomas is proposing to the Escambia County School Board. Cutting 50 bus drivers makes up 35%…

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Another shooting involving teen

Last night, another teen, age 14, was shot in the leg by a drive-by shooter on Hampton Rd. Both Superintendent of Schools Malcolm Thomas and…

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Buzz: Purge coming at School District

There are rumblings that Escambia County Superintendent Malcolm Thomas will be moving his people into Administration. Several Jim Paul people will be not have their…

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Is Alan Scott dropping out?

The buzz tonight is that Alan Scott has dropped out of the Escambia County School Superintendent race. If so, then Malcolm Thomas would be the…

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