Question # 3

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward’s newly seated Urban Redevelopment Advisory Committee is asking another question. It’s the group’s third ‘Question of the Week.’ Urban Redevelopment Advisory…

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The Dead End Debate

Empty seats at yesterday’s Pensacola City Council Committee of the Whole meeting were few and far between. Most of them were filled with someone there…

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The End of a Dead End?

In an effort to create a more walkable downtown, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward is looking to reconnect Government Street to Ninth Avenue near Bayfront Parkway….

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Mayor Seeking Appointee for Mass Transit Committee

During last week’s Pensacola City Council meeting, City Administrator Bill Reynolds solicited public involvement regarding “a situation where the Mayor needs your help.” Apparently, Mayor…

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Hayward Assembles Downtown Team

Pensacola’s mayor has assembled an Urban Redevelopment Advisory Committee in an effort to focus of the development of the city’s downtown. Beginning this month, the…

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Dirty Smurfs

Escambia County officials have no interest in seeing a recycling center on a collection of remediated Superfund sites. They also don’t want to see any…

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Port as Offshore-Drilling Pitstop?

The Global 1200 is the latest gargantuan fixture up at Pensacola’s port. It’s a whopper of a vessel, with steel braids of cranes and infrastructure…

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Gas Cash

Although the Pensacola City Council approved the borrowing of $5 million for improvements and purchases for its natural gas infrastructure, it was not without some…

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Could Have Been Messer-ier

It turns out that adopting a new city charter isn’t as easy as a vote. The logistics take some time to figure out. Pensacola City…

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Officials Occupy Meeting, Briefly

Occupy Pensacola’s sit-down with city officials was a breezy affair. A chilly exchange lasting but a few moments. “What just happened here?” said Nicholas Alford,…

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Occupy to Fall at City Hall?

As cities across the country crack down on the Occupy Wall Street movement, local officials will meet today with Occupiers encamped on the lawn at…

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Campout Question

Who knows what’s going to happen with the tents at City Hall? But it’s making for interesting city council meetings. “First of all, what happens…

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