Donovan/Nobles referendum can’t stop the stadium

City Attorney Rusty Wells has analyzed the petition drive by Marty Donovan and Jack Nobles and has issued his opinion to the Mayor and Pensacola…

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What Charlie Fairchild said about Maritime Park in 2005

The year was 2005. Pensacola had finished a series of town hall meetings on a proposed community maritime park. Charlie Fairchild, C.C. Elebash and Marty…

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If Marty and Jack didn’t like the stadium…

The right to petition a Pensacola City Council decision is not one that should be taken lightly. If the citizens have voiced their concerns in…

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CMP 101

The blog has grown beyond Northwest Florida. We are approaching a million page views a month. Some of the new readers have been drawn here…

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Mayor Wiggins wants plan for CMP to be public works project

Just got off the phone with Pensacola Mayor Mike Wiggins. He has sent a letter to City Manager Al Coby requesting that the city manager…

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CMPA Report: March 30 meeting

No motion was made to remove Maritime Park Development Partners as the general contractor. Scott Davison of MPDP bristled at comments by CMPA attorney Ed…

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Update on NMTC numbers

The New Market Tax Credit numbers are better than Ed Gray reported in August, based on the latest info that I’ve received: Sources: Gross Proceeds…

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Buzz: Construction could begin on Maritime Museum

Source are telling me that the CMPA board will be presented with a funding opportunity on Friday that could fully fund the Maritime Museum and…

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