Contrast in concession speeches

Reading Marty Donovan’s comments in the daily newspaper on his failure to force his third referendum in six years I was reminded how differently M….

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Quote of the day

From Marty Donovan: “It’s a shame that people have become so apathetic, or they have just given up on local government.” In other words, if…

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Marty Donovan fails

The PNJ and WEAR TV are reporting that Marty Donovan failed to get the necessary valid signatures to force another referendum on the Community Maritime…

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Ask Marty this question

If someone knocks on your door asking you to sign the Donovan petition, ask them what is their bond plan? The City is obligated by…

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Revoking petition signatures

I spoke with Supervisor of Elections David Stafford about how a voter can take their name off a Donovan petition if they no longer want…

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Uh, oh, petition signers are upset

We are hearing that people who signed the Marty Donovan petition are upset because they were told the petition was a vote to stop the…

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