Officials Occupy Meeting, Briefly

Occupy Pensacola’s sit-down with city officials was a breezy affair. A chilly exchange lasting but a few moments. “What just happened here?” said Nicholas Alford,…

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Occupy to Fall at City Hall?

As cities across the country crack down on the Occupy Wall Street movement, local officials will meet today with Occupiers encamped on the lawn at…

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Limbo for Occupy

Occupy Pensacola now sits in an undefined limbo. But it seems limbo’s time may be limber. After camping on the lawn at Pensacola City Hall…

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Party at Rubio’s

Marco Rubio’s having a party in Pensacola on Thursday, but the U.S. senator probably won’t show. “He most likely won’t be there, but he will…

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Campout Question

Who knows what’s going to happen with the tents at City Hall? But it’s making for interesting city council meetings. “First of all, what happens…

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Occupy Pensacola Holds On, Mobile Not So Much

The Occupy in Pensacola is going a bit smoother than its sister-campout in Mobile. While about 20 protesters were arrested overnight in Mobile, local leaders…

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