Council Selects Executive

After two years of searching, the Pensacola City Council may soon have a new executive. The council decided last week to offer the position to…

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Myers vs. Hayward Ruling

The verdict’s in. Everyone wins. At least that’s what both sides are claiming after a judge issued a ruling this morning regarding the lawsuit filed…

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Kumbaya Through Clinched Jaws

Mayor Ashton Hayward arrived at last night’s meeting just in time for the Pensacola City Council’s discussion regarding his veto of its budget amendment. He…

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Councilwoman Myers’ Statement

Following Mayor Ashton Hayward’s press conference Wednesday, Pensacola City Councilwoman Sherri Myers has issued a statement. She was apparently not invited to the press event….

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Hayward Rallies Allies, Addresses Council’s Concerns

One day before the Pensacola City Council is to consider its reaction to his veto, Mayor Ashton Hayward called a press conference to discuss the…

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Council Beats Hayward-Piñata

It looks like Thursday is shaping up as the main event, but last night’s Pensacola City Council meeting was nothing to sleep through. The stage…

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Messer’s Statement

Earlier this month, the Pensacola City Council made two amendments to Mayor Ashton Hayward’s proposed 2013 budget. The mayor then vetoed one of council’s amendments….

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Myers, Hayward Tell It to the Judge

Pensacola City Councilwoman Sherri Myers and Mayor Ashton Hayward will have to wait until the end of the week to find out which will prevail…

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Myers v. Hayward

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and City Councilwoman Sherri Myers will meet this morning for a court hearing over a lawsuit filed against the mayor after…

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The Long Search

With a list of three finalists for the job, Pensacola City Council members met this morning to discuss the ongoing search for a council executive….

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Hayward Discusses Veto

Mayor Ashton Hayward issued the first veto of his term yesterday afternoon. Before heading out to a town hall meeting in the evening, he sat…

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Mayor Issues 1 Veto

Mayor Ashton Hayward has vetoed one of the amendments that the Pensacola City Council made last week to his proposed 2013 budget. In a statement…

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