Vote at SOE

All ballots for the Charter Referendum must be received by the Supervisor of Election by tomorrow. If you haven’t mailed your ballot, please drop off…

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Mobile Council approves $80M bond for museum.

According to the Mobile Press Register, The Mobile City Council voted 6-1 this morning to take out more than $80 million in bonds to refinance…

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Nov. 17 deposit for Pro Charter

Today Believe in A Better Pensacola deposited the following contributions: Mike Bruce $100 No Boss Mayor is apparently changing its name to “No Backroom Deals,…

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Pro Charter Daily Financial Report

Today Believe in A Better Pensacola deposited the following contributions: Charles Presti $100 Dr. Richard Hawkins $350 Still no word from No Boss Mayor on…

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Southwest deal not dead

Press Release A delegation representing the City of Pensacola and Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport met with Southwest Airlines executives today (Friday, Nov. 13) in…

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Lewis may be off the hook

Supervisor of Elections David Stafford says that while he isn’t the authority to determine whether C.J. Lewis violated Florida Election laws, it does appear, in…

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Mack votes Yes for charter

In a big blow to the No Boss Mayor effort, the Pensacola City Council’s most independent member, Diane Mack, has announced that she is supporting…

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Charter votes

Supervisor of Elections David Stafford reports that 7,990 ballots have been received by his office, about 1,600 today alone. He believes that about 14,000 votes…

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Need a Charter ballot?

What if you haven’t received your ballot in the mail or threw it away thinking it was junk mail? You can still vote. Call the…

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Nov. 13 report from pro-charter

Today Believe in A Better Pensacola deposited the following contributions: Jere Peacock: $500.00 Toni Tan: $100.00 Robert Patton: $100.00 No report from No Boss Mayor…

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No Boss Mayor keeps finances out of Sunshine

It has been two days since we emailed No Boss Mayor for their financial information. Still no replies. As you may remember, No Boss Mayor…

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Today’s deposit for Pro-charter

Today Believe in A Better Pensacola deposited the following contribution: Melinda Hilterbrand 500.00 This is the fourth financial report released by this PAC.

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