Pro Charter releases third financial report

Today Believe in A Better Pensacola deposited the following contributions: Col Richard J. And Betty Hooton $100 Laura Keene $250 Barry Beroset $250 John Beroset…

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The Pension Fiasco plot gets deeper

We now know how the General Pension contributions jumped from $400K to $6 million. We see how the staff miscalculated the financial impact of the…

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General pension fiasco and a smoking gun

The City pensions have puzzled me. How did the City end up with such a huge jump in pension costs? The City’s contributions to the…

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Deconstructing No Boss Mayor, Part 6

Opinion 6 from Byron Kessler There are those in our community who contend that the lack of sufficient concentration of power is at fault for…

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Deconstructing No Boss Mayor, Part 5

Opinion 5 from Don Caton, former City Attorney The more I hear from those that advocate a new strong mayor for Pensacola, the better I…

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Deconstructing No Boss Mayor, Part 4

Opinion 4 THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY MUST STEP UP According to the most recent Quality of Life Survey conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, the leading…

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Deconstructing No Boss opinions, Part 3

Opinion 3 “Too often, people who deal with the public’s money and do the public’s business view the state’s excellent Sunshine Law as, at best,…

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Deconstructing No Boss Mayor, Part 2

Sam Horton tries again. Opinion 2 Soon the Citizens of Pensacola will be asked to vote on a new form of government for the city…

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Deconstructing No Boss Mayor, Part 1

The No Boss Mayor website has five opinions to support their opposition to the proposed charter. Here is the first one: Watching the proponents of…

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View Charter Debate

WUWF TV has the Charter Debate available online. Check it out.

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Shrinking Pensacola could be a problem (updated)

Using the US Census Quick Facts, I looked at similar sized Florida cities what has been happening to their populations from 2000-2006 Pensacola, 2000: 56,255…2006:…

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Analysis of City Manager/City Council system

I want this post and comment thread to be on the current Pensacola government, not the proposed charter, not strong mayor. No personal attacks or…

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