Pensacola does well in healthcare cost study

There is new study by that Dartmouth Atlas project which is published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the rising costs of healthcare….

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Buzz: Pensacola not on stimulus list

The Buzz in the business community is the City of Pensacola failed to get on the 2008 U.S. Conference of Mayors report of “shovel-ready” projects….

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BTW: DROP program cost $2 mil

As per the City of Pensacola’s CAFR: the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) cost us $1,957,764 in 2008.

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Nobles: no pension panic

While researching for my Outtakes column, I ran across this quote from then-Councilman Jack Nobles from August 2005: “Let’s reward employees and be fair to…

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Judge Collier responds to Mack on CMP

Dear Diane: Please let me apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail of last Sunday, but I just learned of it Tuesday afternoon…

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Deputy Juan Carlos

As a goodwill gesture, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan made the Secret Service agents and the King Juan Carlos’ bodyguards honorary deputies. The King was…

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King Juan Carlos’ Toast

Toast by His Majesty the King of Spain at the National Naval Aviation Museum Governor Crist, Senators Nelson and Martinez, Authorities, Congressman Miller, Ladies and…

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City unfunded pension liability is up 80 percent

According to the City of Pensacola’s comprehensive financial reports, the unfunded liability for the pension funds is much greater than it was in 1998: General…

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City Pension membership analysis

General Pension Membership Retirees and beneficiaries receiving benefits: 555 Terminated plan members entitled to but not yet receiving benefits: 49 DROP plan members: 39 Active…

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City pensions lose $38.8 million

The City of Pensacola has posted its comprehensive financial reports on its website. The Stock Market collapse has significantly hurt the city pension plans: Investment…

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Boone Report: There is an Econ. Dev. part to trip

By IN reporter Sean Boone The King and Queen of Spain aren’t the only reason the governor is headed to Pensacola. On Thursday morning state…

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Are we missing business opportunities with royal visit?

King Juan Carlos is on a trade mission, according to Spanish papers. It appears Pensacola is the only non-trade visit of his trip. King Juan…

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