Moby attacks blog

PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien used his column today to go after this blog: “At, you will find some good scoops on government. But Rick…

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Who will greet the King and Queen?

The King and Queen of Spain will visit Pensacola next week. We know they will be staying on Pensacola Beach. We know that will land…

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DeWeese questions Barker’s analysis

Pensacola City Council member Maren DeWeese is questioning the CMP financing analysis done by city finance director Dick Barker. She has four bullet points: *…

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City staff obligated to finance CMP

People and the news media are starting to question the proposal that Dick Barker, city’s finance director, quickly presented to the Pensacola City Council at…

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NY Times: Pensacola case in U.S. Supreme Court

In 1989, someone raped a 72-year-old woman in Pensacola. Joe Sullivan was 13 at the time, and he admitted that he and two older friends…

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Rumors hurt restaurants

During the Christmas holidays, there was a sort of “dead pool” being done as people tried to predict which restaurants would close by Dec. 31,…

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Sam Hall wanted to opt out last year

Of Florida Retirement System, that is – start at the bottom and read up ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Cheryl Jackson Date: Mon, Mar 3,…

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Mack opts out, too

Council member Diane Mack has also opted out of the Florida Retirement System.

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No decision on CMP master developer

By IN reporter Sean Boone To be, or not to be. That is the question for the current plan for the Community Maritime Park, which…

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Council member opts out of pension

On the most surprising discovery last year when the IN was reviewing the City of Pensacola pension and retirement system was that the Pensacola City…

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Baylen opens to two-way traffic today

Baylen Street from Garden Street to Government is now open for two-way traffic. The cones and signs have been placed.

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Hockey may return to Pensacola

Jim Combs, commissioner of the Southern Professional Hockey League, says his league will expand next season. The Knoxville News reported that Combs has met with…

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