City held hostage for 20 more days

The current Pensacola City Council will hold the city government hostage for 20 more days. Jack Nobles, Mike DeSorbo and Marty Donovan will ram as…

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Varona closes

This morning Robert DeVarona met with the employees of Varona’s and told them that Varona’s Restaurant had closed as of Saturday, December 6. Mr. DeVarona…

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Tale of public records request from airport

From: Rick Outzen [] Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 9:41 AM To: Frank Miller; Al Coby Cc: Sean Boone Subject: Public information request Mr. Miller…

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It’s late

Have spent much of my afternoon and night pouring over emails on the airport hotel lease. Frank Miller and his staff wanted a hotel on…

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Tale of Airport Appraisals

as told by emails: The day before the Pensacola City Council approves the Exclusivity Agreement with Innisfree Development (Dec. 12, 2007), Dan Flynn, Manager of…

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How the exclusivity agreement came about

Spent three hours today reviewing internal staff emails and other correspondence regarding the Airport Ground Lease with Sandspur Development. It cost the Independent News over…

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Mack delivers the smack

Councilman-elect Diane Mack is upset with the political appraisal given by an Innisfree director on the chances of passing the airport lease. Mr. Richard Chism…

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Fogg bets on SEC championship

The Mobile Press Register reports that Mayor John Fogg has a bet with Mobile Mayor Sam Jones on Saturday’s Alabama-Florida game. If Alabama wins, Fogg…

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Former editor blasts Gannett

As announced on this blog yesterday, Gannett has mandated further cuts at the News Journal. This is a real shame because it will impact this…

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CMP could begin Feb. 2009

The summary of the Master Developer Agreement has a timeline for the various phases. It shows that Land Capital plans to start moving dirt on…

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Free our CMP

I read the daily newspaper’s article on yesterday’s Community Maritime Park Associates Board meeting. It’s titled “Maritime Park plan in flux.” Folks, we have to…

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Severe buy-out clause in Port lease

City staff is presenting on Dec. 8 to the city council’s Enterprise Committee a lease amendment for Pate Cold Storage that will extend the lease…

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