Enterprise Committee approves airport hotel deal

By IN reporter Sean Boone After nearly two hours of discussion over the potential lease agreement between the airport and Sandspur Development on Monday, the…

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Halcorp donates to Movement for Change PAC

By IN reporter Sean Boone It’s not a shocker that Halcorp–a liquid asphalt company that has had a 20-year contract with the city to do…

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Council may reject Endry/Caldwell bid for ESP bldg

City Manager Al Coby and Community Development Director Thaddeus Cohen are commending the Economic and Community Development Committee of the city council reject a bid…

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Donovan Mythology: Part Three

Councilman Marty Donovan states in his campaign literature that he will continue “to develop and implement an aggressive economic development strategy.” The truth is Donovan…

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Donovan Mythology: Part Two

Pensacola City Councilman Marty Donovan also states his campaign literature that he “spearheaded the city’s efforts to build 26 major stormwater treatment projects.” The truth…

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Donovan Mythology: Part One

In his campaign literature, Councilman Marty Donovan takes credit for being “Instrumental in getting CSX to remove hundreds of creosote-coated wooden pilings from Bayou Texar…

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Halcorp invests $5,500 in council

Today the Pensacola City Council’s Enterprise Committee will decide whether to renew the lease of the Houston-based asphalt company Halcorp at the Port of Pensacola….

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CMPA sets timeline for Master Developer contract

At today’s Board meeting, the Trustees approved the following timeline for the consideration of the Master Developer Agreement: 12/1/08 – 1 p.m. Special CMPA meeting….

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Downtown library has been budgeted since 1999

I’ve reviewed the City of Pensacola Capital Improvement Plan. The city’s website has budgets only as far back as 2003-04. Then plan shows the city…

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City districts unequal also

The proposed city charter may address this, but District 2 and 7 are too small. PENSACOLA: 38,505 CITY DISTRICT 1: 5,879 CITY DISTRICT 2: 4,983…

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City runoff voting history

I don’t think the City of Pensacola has ever had a runoff for an At-Large seat or Mayor, but history shows it doesn’t take many…

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Charter review votes for strong mayor

Last night, the Pensacola Charter Review Commission voted overwhelmingly to include a provision for a strong mayor in their proposed charter. Council member Jewel Cannada-Wynn…

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