What Charlie Fairchild said about Maritime Park in 2005

The year was 2005. Pensacola had finished a series of town hall meetings on a proposed community maritime park. Charlie Fairchild, C.C. Elebash and Marty…

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If Marty and Jack didn’t like the stadium…

The right to petition a Pensacola City Council decision is not one that should be taken lightly. If the citizens have voiced their concerns in…

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Donovan/Nobles PAC is formed

It’s Park Yes Stadium No. And here is the website: http://www.parkyesstadiumno.com/ City Attorney Rusty Wells, according to PNJ reporter Jamie Page, has determined the former…

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Contest: What should BP stand for?

TrueMajority.org has a contest: What should BP’s initials stand for? With millions of gallons of oil still swirling in the Gulf, BP has refused to…

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