Take Stock in Children

I attended today a luncheon for Take Stock in Children – a college scholarship program for Escambia County’s public school students. Each year, sixth grade public school students who are financially eligible can apply for this program at their school and are chosen through a selection process. Students selected will receive a scholarship allowing an opportunity for postsecondary education in the state of Florida. Mentors are recruited for each student to provide encouragement, support and friendship. The number of scholarships given each year is totally dependent on the amount of donations received.

Escambia County currently has 99 kids in the program and hopes to offer 14 scholarships this year ($5000 each). They have 121 applicants, but can only fund 14 scholarships. If more people contributed, more scholarships can be offered.

Bill Greenhut is the Leadership Council chair. He spoke at the luncheon held at Carrabba’s Italian Grill. Greenhut said that he has on his desk the one-page will of his great-grandfather who instructs his heirs, “If it is within your means, never deny someone an education.” This is Greenhut’s fifth year as a scholarship sponsor.

There were five guest speakers. Amber Dunsford Smith, married with an infant, is attending PJC on a TSC scholarship. She talked about how grateful she was to have the scholarship and want it means to her and her family. Brenda English, the mother of Alexandra English who will graduate in December with a degree in music education, spoke about how the scholarship helped her daughter achieve her dream.

“When she was little, I watched her line up her stuff animals and pretend that she was teaching them to sing,” said Ms. English. “I will now see her dream come true.”

Warrington Middle Schooler Shonderrick Benson talked about his dream to get a business and own his own shoe factory so he could make shoes that fit his personality. His mentor is Tom Ninestine, Pensacola News Journal.

Donna Pierce cried as her son, Daniel, spoke about his dream to be a neurosurgeon. He is a tenth grader at Tate High School and his mentor is Jeanne Meyer.

Kernist Ferrell, a UWF sophomore, stood with his mentor Brent Watson and talked about his dream of being a doctor.

It was a luncheon of dreamers. If you want to help, contact Take Stock in Children:

Sally Lee, Take Stock Program/Mentor Coordinator at 469-5458, TakeStockMentors@aol.com or slee@escambia.k12.fl.us

Jeanne Kimberl, Student Advocate, 982-0642, mkimberl@hotmail.com

Penny Jenkins, Take Stock Program Development Coordinator, 469-5458, pjenkins@escambia.k12.fl.us

Earl V. Lee, President, Foundation for Excellence, 469-535