Take Stock in Children open for applications

Escambia County middle schools are accepting applications for Take Stock in Children from eligible 6th and 7th-grade students until April 24

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Applications are available from the school’s Guidance Office or on escambiaschools.org.

Take Stock in Children is a statewide program operated locally under the Escambia County Public Schools Foundation. It provides “college scholarships, mentors, and hope” to deserving low-income students.

The district has 147 students in grades 7-12 in the program and 70 from the program in college. Take Stock has 153 college graduates to date. Statewide 97% of Take Stock students complete high school, 92% enroll in college, and 70% receive a college degree.

Students are selected in middle school through an application process based on financial need. Students must be U.S. citizens, meet income eligibility requirements, have grades of all C or better, and maintain good school attendance and behavior.

For more information, contact Take Stock in Children Student Services Coordinator Sally Lee at 850-469-5458 or slee@ecsdfl.us.

Listen to the podcast.

Featured Photo by Charles DeLoye on Unsplash
