TDC Death Match: Round Two

From Terry Scruggs, interim Chamber VP for tourism:


With all due respect here is two cents worth from the “new kid on the block” (can you really be a new kid at my age?).

The events of the last few weeks are truly unfortunate. However if there is a “plan” it didn’t just evaporate because of those events. What we have to be sure of, short term, is that nothing drops through the cracks. The marketing plan that exists that I’ve been able to locate for 2012 is contained in Ellis Bullocks firm’s marketing plan. It was developed jointly between Ellis, Ellis’s staff, Ed , and Ed’s staff. It is a good plan for 2012. We’ll see that that plan is implemented. Ed also submitted a plan with requests for BP money to BP in April of this year. It was approved and is being collected. We’ll submit reports in October to collect the next allocation. areEd is being a real gentleman in this transition and I admire him for it. He and I are meeting Wednesday to be sure nothing drops through the cracks short term, That includes BP issues as well as the marketing plan for 2012. I will also meet with BP in the near future. If there are more potential funds available beyond the current plan we should find out soon. If you think there’s additional funds that were not previously identified by Ed and the team and are still available, please share them. An introduction to Mr. Thompson would be helpful.

After one week on the job, my observations are as follows: The principal flaw appears to be that there is no comprehensive long range plan for tourism – at least if there is one I haven’t found it. If Vision 2015 is a good idea for economic development, it should be a good idea for tourism. I am not being critical of the job done in this position because I think this is a county issue not specific to this business segment. Short term thinking yields reactive reults, not proactive results. If you want positive long term results, you need a positive long range plan. If you really want to compete you’ll have to take a long term approach to do the things required to compete. Where is the plan to phase out subsidizing the Civic Center with bed tax money? The hotelliers, condiminium owners, and businesses tied to tourism need this money to be applied to tourism development. The things that are required to compete with our neighbors to the east (or west) – convention center, attractions, events, hotel capacity, long range marketing plans – where are the plans ? What is the plan to develop them? They need to be developed if we are to be successful.

The tourism staff that Ed has put together appears to be a group of highly motivated professionals who like/love their job. There are some staff additions needed but whoever does this job long term will start with a great staff. They are going to be a real pleasure for me to work with in the near term.

Grover, I don’t think anyone questions your dedication to tourism or the effort you have put in. Everyone appreciates it. You’re asking the right questions here. We need to make the answers happen.

