Tea Party candidate loses Alabama congressional run-off

Well the Tea Party lost another House run-off, this time in nearby south Alabama. Bradley Byrne won the GOP primary runoff for the Congressional District 1 nomination Tuesday with 54.91 percent of the vote, beating Dean Young, an Orange Beach businessman backed by Chief Justice Roy Moore and Tea Party supporters. Young vowed during his campaign that he would a “Ted Cruz congressman.”

Byrne has served in the state Senate and on the state school board. He won Escambia and Baldwin counties. Young won Monroe and Washington counties and won Clarke County by just one vote.

Byrne faces Democrat Burton LeFlore in the general election for Jo Bonner’s seat in Congress. Bonner resigned last summer to take a position with the University of Alabama system.

Probably unrelated, the office got a phone call from a woman who said she was Tea Party member. She was upset that I made the Tea Party a “loser” in a recent issue. She wanted us to know they are much stronger nationally than we think and that Pensacola is conservative, we should say more good things about conservatives. She said she still reads the paper though, cusses at it every week, but likes to look at the ads.