Tea Party “To Do” List

Ten Things You Can Do To Grow The Tea Party!
[My favorite is #10]

1) Be Proactive: Join our blog, post your photos, join the forum, and invite your friends at the Command Center.

2) Lead By Example: Tell your friends, family and co-workers about what you are doing. The weight of our beloved nation is upon each one of our shoulders! We are a nation of individuals!

3) Form Your Own Group: Create a super page on your Command Center page. Start your own group. Don’t wait for us to lead, take the initiative, and be a self-starter. Sorry, we have NO imperial leaders, only responsible Citizens.

4) Be a Tea Party Guardian: Be part of the 2 911 Plan. Pledge $29.11 per month andbe the backbone the Tea Party needs! While others faint and fizzle we grow because of you! Fight On!

5) Use Our Free Stuff: We have videos to watch, free download of Arizona Bill S.B. 1070, and listen to the Tea Party Hour on the Dr. Roth Show every week. Go to an event and if nothing else make new friends. www.therothshow.com

6) Start a CWTP: Call Washington Tea Party and rock the ‘Green Belt’. Have fun and get it done! Pass the hat and then buy more supplies like posters, magic makers and a cheap camera to take the picture of your rallies so you can post them on your Command Center.

7) Send A Fax Blast: Cook Washington with hundreds of boiling hot faxes. 100 Senators, 435 Members of the House and 50 Governors, that’s 585 searing hot faxes for about $ 50.00 bucks! Duh!

8) Find A Candidate: Send him/her a buck and do what you can to get him/her elected. Dems, GOP, Indep. O.K. must be Constitutional Conservative, or no deal!

9) Forward Our E-mail Blasts: Send them to your friends. Print out our stuff and use them as flyers. Rip off our artwork, (its o.k.) Forward our e-mails to your Congressman, even if we are going to fire him! ;-)

10) Sing Patriotic Songs: When everyone else is crabby and stick-in-the-mud sour Citizens, you can sing the songs of our heritage! WOW!

Please Send Washington A Pink Slip – FAX BLAST

Support The Tea Party – DONATE

Visit TeaParty.org at: http://teapartyorg.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
