Rick's Blog

Telephone surveys being done

We’re getting calls that pollsters have been calling area voters on the District 3 race. Here are some of the questions:

As things stand now, how likely are you to vote in the special election for the state legislature and other offices — are you almost certain to vote, will you probably vote, are the chances fifty-fifty that you will vote, or do you sometimes skip special election’s for the state legislature and just vote for governor and other offices you have more information about?

Generally speaking, do you feel that things here in Florida are headed in the right direction these days, or do you feel that things in the state have gotten pretty seriously off on the wrong track?

How would you rate the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President — excellent, good, not so good, or poor?

What are your impressions of these people? Please tell me whether you have a very favorable opinion of them, a somewhat favorable opinion, a somewhat unfavorable opinion, or a very unfavorable opinion.  If you don’t recognize one of them, that’s okay — just let me know: George W. Bush, Charlie Crist, Bill Nelson, Liz Campbell, DeeDee Ritchie, George Scarborough, John Wyche, Joe Scarborough, Clay Ford

if the November election for Florida House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate in your district?

If the special general election for state representative were today and the candidates were George Scarborough, the Republican, and Dee Dee Ritchie, the Democrat, which one do you think you’d vote for?

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