The Ultimate Post Mortem on Scott vs. Crist

Peter Schorsch, founder of, has published his list of 16 reasons why Charlie Crist lost to Rick Scott. Here are six that caught my attention:

1. Crist’s ‘lost November’ – The decision by Crist to announce his campaign on November 4, 2013 (a personal one made by Crist who liked the idea of launching one year before the election) set him up for a lackluster start.

5. The gay community sat on its hands – Want to know why there was less enthusiasm for Crist with the traditional Democratic base, then you have to remember that Crist supported the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

7. Crist’s Democratic staff hated Republicans and pretty much anyone not from Obamaworld – One of the untold stories of the Crist campaign was the disconnect between many of Crist’s Obamaworld staffers and his decades-long band of followers, many of whom were Independents and Republicans.

12. South Florida Democrats – They’re as unreliable as a broken watch.

14. That logo! What was wrong with sans serif italics of campaigns past.

15. Rick Scott’s checkbook. With then days to go, Crist was up three points. Scott reached into his pocket and dropped eight-figures of hurt on Scott’s head.

Read full blog post.
