They keep plugging away

agony The Stop Our City folks keep plugging away at They miss their Tuesday night meetings at the Bayview Community Center. Some are still trying to figure out what happened.

Mr. Cobb wants the Community Maritime Park Associates to build a cruise terminal at the Port of Pensacola and move the Maritime Museum there. Of course, CMPA has nothing to do with the Port, but Mr. Cobb can’t help but put in his dig that the “powers that be” were purchased. Can you imagine the uproar if the Port had been included in the proposal?

CMPA Wins, Pensacola Loses   by William T. Cobb

I still want the “Powers that Be” (as purchased, prior to the referendum) to consider:

1.  Maritime Museum placed at the head of Commendencia slip (beside Port, where parking exists).
2.  Unused or misused Port property offered to Hotel/Motel builder accomodating Cruise Liners.
3.  Park and waterfront access provided on “Trillium” site, with parts sold to taxpaying enterprises that would be full-time revenue sources.
4.  A sincere effort made by the “Downtown” group to secure a “Cruise Line” user of the Port.
5.  Investigating whether AMTRAK would consider a weekly “Tour Group” delivery to the Port for departure on Cruise Lines, or use of Hotel in 2. above.
6.  Spend the proposed expense of CMPA’s agenda building a Customs/Baggage Terminal at the Port.


Mr. Walker thinks the Community Maritime Park proposal was about holding festivals like the Fiesta Seafood Festival. That was the 2003 proposal that was voted down by the citizens – $41 million festival park and city auditorium.

Maritime Park   by Bob Walker

I read an article on the front page of the Pensacola News Journal that stated that the Sea Food Festival at Seville Square drew record crowds.

I’m thinking that the story is either a lie, or there is some sort of misunderstanding.  I mean, we haven’t built the Maritime Park yet.  How could we drawing record crowds to a Down Town event when we haven’t spent $40,000,000.00?

Something isn’t right.  I thought that we needed to build the Park for a place to gather, to hold our festivals and such.

I’m so confused.
