Rick's Blog

Think Beyond moves two initiatives forward

Press Release: A diverse group of experts, entrepreneurs, business and community leaders came together on September 27th at the Pensacola Museum of Art to move sustainable ideas forward in the community. The gathering was the third quarterly meeting of Think Beyond Pensacola, a not-for-profit organization committed to being a catalyst and connector to build a better community.

“We were very pleased to see over 60 people in attendance bringing their best ideas forward,” said co-founder Aaron Ball, Chief Marketing Officer at idgroup. “It is clear that the momentum in Pensacola is behind grass-roots groups like Think Beyond who are providing forums for ongoing dialogue and action.”

The evening began with drinks, hors d’oeuvres and networking. Board member Teresa Dos Santos, President of Contract Resources, opened the meeting. Attendees then heard presentations from committee members and project leaders about current initiatives, including a Think Beyond signature project called “Bikes at Work” to which a handful of Pensacola companies have already committed: ZarZaur Law Firm, idgroup, IHMC and Contract Resources.

Additional project presentations included preliminary plans for a Think Beyond annual conference; a vision to bring national speakers and thought-leaders to Pensacola for Ted Talks; and a round-table social event after the November 14 IHMC lecture by Joel Salatin. Other affiliated projects were also presented: “Schools Go Solar;” a shared IT office space concept; and the new Think Beyond community networking website.

Participants then had the opportunity to choose between six topics of interest including social innovation, technology, community events, community projects, environment and education. Groups collaborated, shared stories, and discussed best practices in each topic area. They then presented key themes and recommendations, and made plans to continue collaboration in workgroups on Facebook.com/ThinkBeyondPensacola.

Those interested in attending the next event, participating in a project, or becoming a member of Think Beyond can visit thinkbeyond.org or contact Teresa Dos Santos at info@thinkbeyond.org for more information.

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