Rick's Blog

Thomas didn’t practice what he preached

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas showed up a couple years ago at a ceremony honoring Dr. Michael Thompson, Jr., the pastor of Greater Union Baptist Church. At the ceremony, Thomas stated that he’s only regret was that he didn’t hire Mrs. Carla Thompson as a principal before Pensacola State College hired her.

Well, Thompson later was hired by the Escambia County School District—not as principal. No, Thompson is behaviorial resource staff person at Montclair Elementary. On Tuesday, Superintendent Thomas recommended and the school board approved a new principal for Montclair….needless to say, it wasn’t Thompson. In fact, Thomas doesn’t even have her on his principal pool list.

Here is the video:

Editor’s note: There are two Carla Thompsons. One has a Phd, the other two Masters. Dr. Thompson’s wife, that Thomas preached is married to an anointed pastor and deserving of a principal position, is the one with two masters—not even in the principal pool.

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