Rick's Blog

Thornton calls Lumon May statement a lie


Lumon May’s statement is a lie. If anyone wants to know what I said please contact me.

I did not call Lumon May. He called me one night last week complaining about Pam Childers and Mike Kohler. I refused to engage in the conversation, and he kept complaining about issues involving him that I have no control.

He called me and I wished Rick would have called me prior to printing these false statements. Our conversation had nothing to do with the Republican Party. It was all about Lumon and his issues.

–Charles Thornton

Lumon May’s response: “We each know what we said, but I’m not going to engage in a back and forth with Mr. Thornton. It’s not good for the Black community.”

Note: My post didn’t mention a phone call, and Lumon May didn’t mention a phone call in his radio interview.

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