Rick's Blog

Threats work in city government

It’s unbelievable that the Pensacola City Council has reduced itself to being held “hostage” by the threat of a convicted felon starting a petition drive. I can somewhat forgive Sam Hall because he met with Tim Eagan at the request of city staff. However, putting anyone on the agenda of a council meeting or workshop solely because he threatened to start a petition drive is insane.

If Eagan has a good idea, he should go through the same process as any other citizen, not be given preferential treatment. Hall, Wu, Wiggins and others could have asked to place his plan before the council during the discussions of the Port of Pensacola. They did not.

Obviously I am in the minority on this. According to the daily newspaper’s article today, only Councilwoman Maren DeWeese and City Manager Al Coby agree with me.

Mayor Wiggins: “It amounted to a quid pro quo…”

PC Wu: “The result justified the means”

Larry Johnson: “”I am totally comfortable with the agreement”

The other council members, except Diane Mack who had no comment, supported the agreement.

The council needs to be aware there is a guy riding around town on a bike covered with Mardi Gras beads that has a $10-billion project for a UFO landing site at the airport. He, too, mumbled something about a petition so I sent he over to City Hall to get on the next agenda.

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