Rick's Blog

Three news stories getting attention: Aaron Watson profile, Inside Jail Blast, Appointed versus Elected

Inweekly published three news stories in the January 15 issue that have created a buzz:

Watson Lives His Dream: A profile on a young African-American trial attorney is quickly rising his profession and is getting back to the community. Favorite quote: ““I learned that if I am prepared, if I just use that gifts that God has given me, then I can go and I can beat anybody.”

The Gentle Giant:The Untold Story of the Jail Blast JD Sjoberg, a former inmate, tells his personal story of being inside the April 30 explosion of the Central Booking and Detention Center. Favorite paragraph: “In every dorm there are leaders, thugs, introverts and outspoken intellectuals. Right now, everybody had to be a leader. That’s exactly what I saw when four inmates decided to mount the corrections officer on their shoulders and carry him to the door.”

Escambia County mulls appointed school superintendent Businessman Robert de Varona thinks it’s time to reconsider having the school board appoint the school superintendent rather than holding a election for the post. He has the support of at least two school board members. Favorite quote: “We have to take radical steps and bold action. “We haven’t made much progress in the past 20 years in education.”

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