ThyssenKrupp one year later

The Mobile Press Register reports on the progress of the ThyssenKrupp AG’s $3.7 billion steel mill that was announced this time last year.

Employees: 120 hired and working out of an office on Downtowner Boulevard in Mobile. The company is preparing to hire the first production workers screened through Alabama Industrial Development Training, a state training agency.

Construction workers: There are about 400 construction workers at the site, mainly working for the excavation contractor and for several piling companies. The number of workers is expected to surge around August, when work begins on pouring the slabs for various parts of the complex.

In Pensacola there are no workers on the CMP site – not even Parks & Recreations employees to cut the grass. The CMP was approved over 18 months ago. Mobile should be happy the Pensacola City Council and city staff aren’t in charge of the steel plant.

Read ThyssenKrupp work progresses
