Rick's Blog

Top Five Stories of the Week: Lying, Ignoring, Misleading and Lumpy

Based on our web stats, readers spent the most time reading articles about lying former county employees, the state attorney’s cavalier attitude toward Sunshine laws, misleading PNJ headlines, and celebrating Lumpy DeWeese’s success.

1. Daily Outtakes: Jonathan Owens lied, so did Bart Siders The State Attorney’s office found former commissioner’s aide Jonathan Owens and the County’s former IT director, Bart Siders, lied to cover up their conspiracy to take out Bergosh. However, no one was charged.

2. Does State Attorney Madden care about public records?
The Town of Century breaks the law. State Attorney Ginger Madden has emboldened such unlawful behavior by repeatedly failing to enforce public records law.

3. ‘You Are So Pensacola’ Quiz: Round 1
Readers loved our quiz based on ‘You Are So Pensacola’ issues from two decades ago. No prizes exist, but you earn bragging rights on social media.

4. Bizzarre PNJ headline gets clicks, misleads readers
The PNJ hints the DIB executive director profited from mulch used by Palafox Market, but the math does not add up to a scandal, only clicks for pnj.com.

5. Real News: Barry, Reeves, Lumpy and more

The first September episode of “Real News with Rick Outzen” drew a lot of attention.

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