Rick's Blog

Touart fails to follow-thru on Roads, Inc

WEAR TV 3 also reports on the clay pit being dug by Roads, Inc. in the Cantonment area. I posted an open letter from residents to the county commissioners last week (Letter on Roads Inc ).

Channel Three’s Greg Neumann reports that in July Touart told WEAR TV 3 that he was going to instruct his engineering department to make sure it was closed within 90 days. Instead, in early August, assistant county administrator Bob McLaughlin said the close date would be February 1, 2008.

Residents are asking the county commissioners for an independent review of the issue since Touart has a personal relationship with Roads owner Cody Rawson and because Road Inc does so much business with Escambia County. Rawson has gone on fishing trips with Touart, and Touart’s son works for Roads, Inc.

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