Trustees respond to Attorney General

The Board of Trustees of Northwest Florida State College have sent a letter to Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum on its March 2008 meeting with State Rep. Ray Sansom in Tallahassee.

In the letter, the board chairman, Wesley Wilkerson, says that the March meeting was necessary because the Florida Association of Community Colleges (FACC) canceled its Feb. session with the legislature.

“Since our college was a part of significant legislation creating state colleges, our board members needed a legislative briefing on the implications of the legislation. Our representative was the key member of the legislature who was providing leadership for the state colleges; therefore we board members were pleased to have an opportunity for a legislative briefing.”

The Board attended a legislative briefing in Tallahassee on March 24, 2008 and the college published a notice in the Northwest Florida Daily News announcing the briefing giving date, time and place.

The Daily News has the letters – here.

The questions remain – why hold the meeting in a private club and not have any signage directing the public where the meeting is held? Why were no minutes produced until the Daily News asked Sen. Don Gaetz to push for an investigation?