Rick's Blog

TSA PreCheck enrollment in Pensacola 2/3-7

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Pensacola International Airport will host a TSA PreCheck® Temporary Enrollment Center from Feb. 3-7. This program offers travelers expedited airport security screening, eliminating the need to remove shoes, liquids, laptops, light outerwear, or belts. TSA PreCheck is available at over 200 airports with more than 85 participating airlines nationwide.

Enrollment Center Details:
– Location: Airport Administration Office, Second Floor
– Address: 2430 Airport Blvd, Pensacola International Airport
– Hours: 8 a.m. – noon and 1-5 p.m.

How to Enroll:
1. Apply online through the TSA PreCheck Enrollment website
2. Select “Apply Now” under the Idemia column
3. Complete the application steps
4. Enter your location (zip code/city/airport code)
5. Select “Pop Up: PNS, 2/3-2/7”
6. Choose an appointment time

Required Documentation:
– U.S. Passport OR
– Birth certificate AND driver’s license
– Program open only to U.S. citizens, nationals, and lawful permanent residents

Cost and Payment:
– $78 for five years of service
– Accepted payments: credit card, debit card, money order, company check, or certified/cashier’s check
– Cash and personal checks not accepted

Walk-in appointments will be accepted on a limited basis after all online slots are filled. The enrollment process includes fingerprinting for a background check.

For application status inquiries, contact TSA at 866-289-9673. Visit the TSA website for additional documentation requirements or flypensacola.com for airport information.

Photo licensed by Shutterstock

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