Twitter purge reduces followers for politicians

Last December, I reported GOP Congressional candidate Cris Dosev had seen Twitter followers jump from 12.4K on Wednesday to 30.8K in one morning. He was adding 200 followers every 15 minutes.

State Rep. White told Inweekly that his campaign Twitter added 30K followers the night he announced his candidacy. He has struggled to delete the fake followers. Yesterday, White had 29.8K followers. This morning he has 31.5K.

When I wrote about the large number of fake followers on Twitter accounts of White and Dosev, my Twitter account came under attack – followers jumping from 4,432 to 12,849 in one day. By May, I had gradually got mine down to 4500 range. Today, I’m at 4,575.

Twitter has begun to purge Twitter fake followers. White has 3,579 followers.

Dosev went 18,468 to 3,981.

Congressman Matt Gaetz went from 35,671 to 33,157.
