Rick's Blog

U.S. Attorney has COVID

The News Service of Florida and the Tallahassee Democrat are reporting that U.S. Attorney Larry Keefe, who handles federal prosecutions from Pensacola to Gainesville, has tested positive for COVID-19.

Ron Sachs, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, told the Tallahassee Democrat, that Keefe routinely wears in mask in public and made the announcement in interest of transparency.

Keefe believes he contracted the virus while visiting his son who was undergoing brain surgery in Charleston, South Carolina. A person in the house where the U.S. Attorney stayed had tested positive for COVID-19, which prompted Keefe to be tested earlier this week.

“Mr. Keefe is currently doing well and is self-isolating while directing the activities of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, remotely,” said Sachs. “He said he feels as if he is dealing with the onset of a cold and is following all protocols recommended by medical experts.”


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