U.S. Foreign Aid Analysis (interactive)

Center for American Progress has an interactive map that explores where U.S. foreign aid dollars are spent and how these countries rank in terms of basic indicators such as political rights and civil liberties, corruption, and overall development.

For example:

Total: $126,850,000
Medium Corruption
Medium Development

Global Health and Child Survival – State
Global Health and Child Survival – USAID
Developmental Assistance
Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs
International Military Education & Training
Food For Peace Title II Program

Total: $228,658,000
Medium Corruption
High Development
Global Health and Child Survival – USAID
Developmental Assistance
Economic Support Fund
International Narcotics Control & Law Enforcement
Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining, and Related Programs
International Military Education & Training
Foreign Military Funding
Supplemental (not incl. in total)
