Uh, oh, petition signers are upset

We are hearing that people who signed the Marty Donovan petition are upset because they were told the petition was a vote to stop the park. They now realize it’s only the bond financing that they are voting on and the city council will simply approve another plan, if the first plan is rescinded. Talk about a real bait and switch.

The fact is the time to stop construction was in May 2009 when Donovan could have challenged the council votes for the contracts with the master developer, Studer and/or UWF. But for some reason Marty didn’t do that. Instead, he passed on those crucial, important votes.

He is now forced to focus only on the bond financing plan. The contracts signed by the City obligate the City to providing $40 million towards the project. That doesn’t change even if the petitions are successful in forcing a referendum and somehow Donovan can convince the voters who rejected him 2008 to now agree with him.
