Union asks for 3-cent gas tax for ECAT

Dear Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Escambia County, Florida:

The Executive Board of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 has been following the current issues that the Board of County Commissioners has been facing with the Medicaid costs and burden put on the County by the State. The Medicaid costs given by the State of Florida along with the Library System being looked at as an option to address as cuts toward the County budget shortfall has obviously created a serious and unfair obstacle for Commissioners.

Today we would stand with the Board of County Commissioners in your pursuit in joining the lawsuit against the State pertaining to the Medicaid costs unjustly put on the County. The Union also stands strong behind maintaining our Library System for the great citizens of Escambia County and we would argue that having access to public libraries and funded by our County is crucial to support many of our lower income citizens and their children for furthering their education. Many of these citizens don’t have the ability and means to afford the books, internet, and library programs to be successful.

With that being said we believe that this is the time to honestly look at focusing on another avenue to help the County budget shortfall. Across this country, it is common that transit agencies are funded with a dedicated funding source. Just look closely at other transit systems and you’ll see that the dollars contributed by cities, counties, and transit authorities does not come directly from their general fund but from dedicated funding sources.

The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 and our International Union stand ready and willing to make an argument that this is the right direction now for a minimum three cent gas tax to be used toward Escambia County Area Transit. Some would argue that any tax is wrong and not needed due to economic woes the citizens face. In turn the tax would be a minimum tax on the average tax payer which would only cost the average local consumer around twenty dollars more a year. This tax would also be paid by others coming into this community to conduct business and visiting this community for vacation purposes.

By the County Commissioners taking on the “Super Majority” vote on this tax it would show leadership. An immediate impact would relieve the economic shortfalls the County continuously faces year to year. The transit system would not only come off the backs of the County and be self sufficient and the actual service to the public would increase. That alone would help our local economy and give local businesses options for more citizens using their businesses and give them options to hire more citizens in the community who currently are unemployed looking for work since many of those citizens are without transportation and already using our transit system. Not with standing that argument the increased transit system would help the terrible traffic problems this County faces daily.

Across the United States, counties understand that investing in Mass Transit has tremendous value in the economic development of their community. Commissioner Valentino has the right ideas for moving forward for Escambia County Area Transit. The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 supports his ideas in moving toward a regional transit authority. By continued support of this Commission for Mass Transit and fully funding the system is beneficial to all citizens. When education is provided and citizens are given a constructive understanding of the benefit of investing in Mass Transit, the citizens will support elected officials as being leaders for the future and actually making a mark that changed the community for the better.

The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 Executive Board supports a minimum 3 cent gas tax. We believe under the current shortfalls this is another option for the Commission to consider. Again a “Super Majority” vote would be a strong and effective channel to address this need immediately. But the other option of putting the “gas tax” on the ballot for the November election ordered by the Commission for the citizens to consider is another option. The ATU International and Local 1395 are ready and willing to put on a campaign to lead in educating the community on this very topic. When citizens receive the information, seventy percent (70%) of the time the citizens either stand with their elected officials (i.e. super majority vote) or stand by a ballot measure to help improve their communities. This helps lift up other citizens in the community and boosts the local economy.
The ATU offers this as a direct and immediate impact on the County budget shortfalls. Again this would address the current Library problems and it would strengthen a transit system which would in turn create jobs, help local businesses, and give all citizens an option to use a better and improved modern transit system rather than drive their automobiles. In our eyes this helps so many throughout this community. Investing in Transit is investing in us.

Lastly this option allows the County to reduce another burden on their budget which is faced by the Commission annually which is the increase in ECAT costs. The Transit System cannot continue to operate on the same level budget from year to year without being forced at some point to face route reductions or fare increases. This idea allows for a successful economic self standing public service which the entire County can be proud of. To have an impressive public transit system is an advantage and benefit to all.

I would be happy to meet with each of you or speak publicly on this suggestion. Again the ATU stands with and supports the Commission on the pursuit of the unjustly Medicaid costs put on the County by the State. The ATU also stands firmly with no cuts to the Library System. We believe this option is an opportunity, not a obstacle. Eventually the Transit System will someday face the citizens and/or elected officials. So why not now to address? It makes common sense and is a win – win situation for this community.

Thank you in advance and please always feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

With Regards,
Michael A. Lowery
Michael A. Lowery
President/Business Agent
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395
