Rick's Blog

United Way: Weekend update

Pensacola Tough
Resources/Information for Case Managers to Share:
NEW: Two weeks past initial flooding, survivors are coping with stress amid the cleanup process. The Lakeview Center which is onsite at the FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers, offers to the following tips to handling disaster related stress:
· Give yourself time to adjust. Anticipate that this will be a difficult time in your life. Allow yourself to mourn the losses you have experienced and try to be patient with changes in your emotional state.
· As for support from people who care about you and who will listen and empathize with your situation. Social support is a key component to disaster recovery. Family and friends can be an important resource. You can find support and common ground from those who survived the disaster. You may also want to reach out to others not involved who may be able to provide greater support and objectivity.
· Communicate your experience. Express what you are feeling in whatever ways feel comfortable to you- such as talking with family or close friends, keeping a diary or engaging in a creative activity (e.g., drawing, molding clay, etc.)
· Find a local support group led by appropriately trained and experienced professionals. Support groups are frequently available for survivors. Group discussion can help you realize that you are not alone in your reactions and emotions. Support group meetings can be especially helpful for people with limited personal support systems.
· Engage in healthy behaviors to enhance your ability to cope with excessive stress. Eat well-balanced meals and get plenty of rest. If you experience ongoing difficulties with sleep, you may be able to find some relief through relaxation techniques. Avoid alcohol and drugs because they can be a numbing diversion that could detract from as well as delay active coping and moving forward from the disaster.
· Establish or re-establish routines. This can include eating meals at regular times, sleeping and waking on a regular cycle, or following an exercise program. Build in some positive routines to have something to look forward to during these distressing times, like pursuing a hobby, walking through an attractive part or neighborhood and reading a book.
· Avoid making major life decisions. Switching careers or jobs and other important decisions tend to be highly stressful in their own right and even harder to take on when you are recovering from a disaster
IMPORTANT: We are now 12 days out from the declaration of disaster. Remind your clients that they only have 30 days to register for assistance with FEMA once the disaster is declared.
Only 18 days remain for individuals to register for assistance using one of the methods below:

· Visit a FEMA Disaster Center in Escambia County at Brownsville Community Center, 2100 W. DeSoto Street or in Santa Rosa County at the Gulf Breeze Recreation Center at 800 Shoreline Drive or at the Pensacola State College Milton Campus at 5988 U.S. 90. The centers are open 8a-7p Monday through Saturday and 11a to 7p on Sunday. DRC’s being organized for Okaloosa and Walton Counties.
· Register online at DisasterAssistance.gov
· Call toll free 800-621-3362

Through Saturday, they had logged 208 hours in service with BRACE/United Way 2-1-1 reaching out to survivors registered through 2-1-1.

Through Saturday 5.17.2014
The team reports that they are continuing efforts to reach as many survivors as possible to assess unmet needs.  They were able to call 114 and actually contact 51 individuals Saturday.   They were happy to connect with more people who are getting help or who have no unmet needs.  However, they noted that those who still have needs continue to be in bad living situations (i.e. living in the affected home in the presence of mold).  A big highlight for Saturday was being able to pass on an initial list of survivors we have identified who do need mucking and gutting/debris clearing services.  They remain hopeful that this list will aid the VOAD partners on the ground in reaching those individuals who need their specific assistance.

# of Calls made to Survivors: 473
# of Contacts made with Survivors: 230

Highlights of Partners Meeting Needs- As Reported Back to United Way and St. Louis Americorps Team: Through Friday 5.16.2014 the following assistance was provided to cases under 2-1-1 call list for case management support
·        Through Friday 5.16.2014 a total of 50 Survivors Reached By Team Self-Reported a Disability that Impacts their ability to recover from the damage
·        Through Friday 5.16.2014 a total of 4 Survivors have had their needs met- 175 report further needs
·        Through Friday 5.16.2014 a total of 57 cases have asked for referral to Samaratin’s Purse for assistance
·        Through Friday 5.16.2014 (from those who chose to share the number affected in their household) we recorded 154 adults and 82 children or 236 total survivors were still in need of help.

·        The Salvation Army –helped 8 households survivors with disaster related need(s) of/for food, household items and emergency assistance
·        Samaratin’s Purse- helped 2 households with survivors with disaster related need(s) for household repairs and removal of damaged items
·        Southern Baptist Association ESC Disaster Recovery- helped 6 households with survivors who had disaster related need(s) for household repairs and removal of damaged items
·        American Red Cross- helped 4 households with survivors who had disaster related need(s) for shelter and disaster services that included supplies
·        Operation Blessing International helped 7 households with disaster related need(s) for household repairs and removal of damaged items
·        Boy Scouts of America’s Gulf Coast Council helped 1 household with disaster related need(s) for household repairs and removal of damaged items
·        FEMA assistance was secured for 1 household with disaster related losses

As you can see, with a disaster case management load of over 1,400 callers, there is a long way to go to reach recovery.  We are incredibly grateful for all the organizations who have answered the call to help.  Please know that these totals only relate to the 230 households who have been reached in follow-up calls being managed by the Americorps team members serving with United Way 2-1-1 and BRACE.  Most of these organizations are assisting additional survivors who were identified by American Red Cross and FEMA assessors in the initial stages of relief.

UPDATE From BRACE Executive Director, Greg Strader
Final Situation Report to be published by the State Emergency Operations Center Attached (SERT Report from Saturday 5.17.2014)
• 972 Disaster Survivor Assistance (DSA) interactions o 257 registered through the DSA teams
• 1038 Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) visitors
• 8226 total registrations for individual assistance
• $19,007,768 total has been requested for the Individual and Household Program to date
Individual Assistance (IA) Declaration
• Escambia
• Santa Rosa
• Okaloosa
• Walton
Public Assistance (PA) Declaration
• Escambia
• Santa Rosa
• Okaloosa
• Walton
Of Note for Continuing Recovery
·        Activated the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program in Escambia, Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties
·        Activated the Federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties
·        The Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), CareerSource, ESCAROSA, and Small Business Development Center are providing staff support at Disaster Recovery Centers
·        DEO Mobile Unit  is still deployed in Pensacola helping to facilitate reemployment services at a damaged  Career Service Center

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