Rick's Blog

Upwords…really that is what Hayword is calling his new multimedia campaign

I saw this Tuesday night on BLAB TV. The spot was primarily declaring victory in the Maren Deweese’s lawsuit over his 2012 budget veto. On Monday, Judge Terry Terrell dismissed the case. (The irony is the veto was over the budget amendments stopping payments to The Zimmmerman Agency, which developed the “Upside of Florida” slogan.)

Yesterday, I learned that “Upwords” is more than a TV ad. It’s the name for his multimedia newsletter initiative. Cheesy, but the more communication the mayor can have with the public the better.

Topics covered this time included:

Honoring Council President P.C. Wu – “The City of Pensacola extends Dr. P.C. Wu a heartfelt congratulation on his appointment as the 92nd President of the Florida League of Cities.”

Common Sense, his personal finance classes – “When I came into office two and a half years ago, I wanted to give everyone a chance to succeed.”

On the Public Records training – “Last month, I was faced with some disappointing news. I learned two city officials were charged with civil sunshine violations. I decided to use this as a leadership opportunity and personally build an action plan encouraging greater transparency and accountability in our city.”

Editor’s note: The irony is the 2012 veto was over the budget amendments stopping payments to The Zimmmerman Agency, which developed the “Upside of Florida” slogan.

Also, “Upwords” is actually trademarked. It’s a game invented by Rudell Design in 1981, licensed to Milton Bradley in 1982. Not sure if that will cause any problems for the city.

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