Rick's Blog

UWF Historic Trust wants COVID-19 journals

From UWF Historic Trust: Help future researchers by creating and sharing your COVID-19 journal. In the coming years researchers will be looking for information about how we coped with Covid 19 and the restrictions it placed on all of us. The UWF Historic Trust archive would love to collect your stories of this difficult time.

There is no word count for this, send us several pages or several lines. Start now and continue with your story until you feel your life has returned to normal, or a “new normal.” Put it in a Word document or PDF and send it as an email attachment, in the body of an email, or a good, old-fashioned letter you mail to UWF Historic Trust Archives, PO Box 12866, Pensacola, FL 32591.

If we all participate in this we can compile a comprehensive look at life during these troubled times.

If you have any questions, email Jacki at jwilson2@uwf.edu.

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