Valentino camp releases poll

Press Release: Gene Still Leading in Recent Poll

According to a recent poll conducted by Marketing Metrics & Media of 400 likely voters, Gene Valentino still leads the pool of candidates with decided voters at 50.2%, Karen Sindel at 24.4%, Dave Murzin at 16% and George Touart at 9.4%. Those who were undecided were not statistically significant. This survey had a margin of error of +/- 5%.

Also, according to female voters, Valentino earns 49% of the decided female vote with Sindel earning just at 29% of the vote.

Finally, Valentino leads greatly in the 45+ category gaining nearly 63% of the vote.

The question asked was: If the election were held today who would you vote for?
For Karen Sindel, press 1
For George Touart, press 2
For Dave Murzin, press 3
For Gene Valentino, press 4
For no opinion/ undecided, press 5

For more information on other surveys please visit
