Varona issues statement

Statement from Robert de Varona on Judge Gary Bergosh ruling that Varona Enterprises has sixty days to vacate Airport leasehold property:

“Today Eloise and I are grateful that the court has taken a stand for the rule of law and for the practice of fairness. For months, this process has become a political sideshow, a venue for personal and political attacks against local businesses, and a drain on the City and its citizens.

Today’s ruling is a signal that private enterprise should not be bullied by government officials, and that contracts and agreements should be respected by all parties.

Thanks to this strong stand by the Court, we can now begin to work on a level playing field with the Airport staff to effect a smooth transition for the OHM vendors and employees. I wish them the best, and I hope they will enjoy being a part of Pensacola as much as we do.

Again, we are grateful to all of our community and business supporters, employees, and friends who have stuck by us during this very difficult process. We look forward to the next chapter in our business, civic, and philanthropic efforts and are happy to be part of the Pensacola family.”
– Robert de Varona, April 3, 2014
