Veterans for Peace, Northwest Florida invites the public to show opposition to any military action against Iran. The rally will take place on Saturday, May 5, Noon to 2:00pm, at the south end of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Plaza, at Palafox and Garden St.
“We have many reasons to reject attacking Iran, said the VFP Event Chair William M. Sloan. To begin with, US and Israeli intelligence services agree, today, that Iran stopped work on nuclear weapons in 2003 and has not resumed. The Marine general commanding US forces in the Middle East has warned of a regional war and ‘dire consequences’ for US forces following an attack by the US or by Israel.
“The military options are extremely destructive to life, society and the environment, Sloan continued, and directly to American interests. Bombing would send radioactive debris high into the atmosphere. Would our experience of the last decade lead us to send troops into Iran, a country with over twice the population of either Iraq or Afghanistan?”
The demonstration is organized by Veterans for Peace, Northwest Florida, Chapter 135 of an national organization of 4,000 veterans driven by their mission. The national Statement of Purpose says: Having dutifully served our nation, we hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace and abolish war as an instrument of national policy. Members pledge to use non-violent means and to maintain an organization that is both democratic and open. Go to
This demonstration is based on the Resolution “Opposing Military Intervention In Iran”by the 2010 National Convention of Veterans for Peace. Veterans for Peace Northwest Florida has been active in opposing war and violence since 2002.